Department of Neuropathology
Our Mission
The Department of Neuropathology at Barrow Neurological Institute provides diagnostic and tissue processing support for the clinical and research programs at Barrow. An accurate diagnosis is essential for proper patient management and for the evaluation of new treatments. Tissue from the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, muscles, and spine are analyzed microscopically, using histochemistry stains, immunohistochemistry molecular markers, and electron microscopy. Neuropathology maintains a tissue bank of paraffin-embedded and frozen tissue to promote the study of neurosurgical, neurological, and neuromuscular diseases.
Research in Neuropathology focuses primarily on molecular markers of prognosis in gliomas, meningiomas and pituitary adenomas. Characterization of hypothalamic hamartomas in relation to epileptogenesis is another major research area.
The department is chaired by Dr. Jennifer Eschbacher.