illustration of neurons and chemicals in the nervous system

Laboratory Focus

The Phuah Laboratory integrates quantitative genetics, neuroimaging, and bioinformatics to understand the biological basis for cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD) and dissect the molecular mechanisms of vascular contributions to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and AD-related dementia.

Our work spans computational biology, machine learning, population genetics, neuroimaging, and biomarker development to identify molecular mechanisms of cerebrovascular disease in order to drive improvements in prognosis, prevention, and treatment of stroke and dementia. Dr. Phuah is a practicing neurointensivist in the Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit at Barrow Neurological Institute with extensive clinical experience in providing care for patients with acute and chronic brain injury. She has a long-standing interest and track record in the translational evaluation and application of genetic, imaging, and fluid-based markers to dissect clinical, imaging, and phenotypic heterogeneity of cerebrovascular and neurodegenerative diseases as outlined below.

Dr. Phuah has received continuous funding support through multiple foundation awards and the NIH, including the American Academy of Neurology (2016), the American Heart Association (2019), NINDS K23 (2019), and the New Vision Award from the Charleston Conference for Alzheimer’s Disease (2022) to pursue this work, with numerous productive collaborations and publications demonstrating her expertise.

Our laboratory has cultivated collaborations with complementary expertise in diverse disciplines to ensure success, including:

neurologist chia ling phuah standing in front of a working area in the barrow neuroanalytics center
Chia-Ling Phuah, MD, MMSc
Associate Professor, Neurology
doctors researching on a laptop

Contact Information

Chia-Ling Phuah, MD, MMSc
Associate Professor, Neurology
Barrow Neuro Analytics Center

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