3 Questions for the 2021 Barrow Graduating Class
July 1 will usher in a new academic year at Barrow Neurological Institute, when we welcome a new class of trainees and congratulate those graduating from our residency and fellowship programs.
To our graduates—whether your specialty is neurology, neurosurgery, or neuroradiology—we applaud you for completing this milestone in your training and wish you all the best in your next chapter. Thank you for your hard work and dedication.
I congratulate each of the graduating residents and fellows for their great achievement. They have grown tremendously and become knowledgeable and highly trained specialists and subspecialists during their years of training at Barrow. Their professionalism and resiliency is truly commendable. Barrow is not just about excellent training and delivery of superb patient care. It is also a place where there is a common spirit of purpose and a sense of family. Importantly, it is a place where lifetime friendships are forged. We are very proud of our graduates and wish them well in the next steps in their careers and lives.”
Terry Fife, MD, Designated Institutional Official
We asked all graduating residents and fellows to share their most memorable moments at Barrow, the advice they would give to their younger selves on their first day of training, and which people at Barrow served as their biggest influences. We’ve compiled their responses below.
Neurology Residents
To the Neurology Class of 2021: This has been an exceptional year in so many ways. I have seen each of you grow tremendously not only as neurologists, but as compassionate and caring individuals. You banded together in unprecedented times, and I am extremely proud of all you and delighted to count you among my colleagues. Congratulations on completing this leg of your journey, and I wish you all best of luck in your future endeavors.
Courtney Schusse, MD, Neurology Residency Program Director
Frederick Bassal, DO, Child Neurology Resident
New role: Child Neurology Faculty, Barrow Neurological Institute at Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Phoenix, Arizona
- My most memorable moments at Barrow were continuing to find excitement in what I do, even at the end of a long and draining call shift.
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be: A pediatrician managing adults with acute strokes is not going to be that bad!
- My biggest Barrow influences have been all of the faculty, residents, and fellows at Barrow—both at St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center and at Phoenix Children’s Hospital.
Kevin Choi, MD, Adult Neurology Resident
New role: Clinical Neurophysiology & Epilepsy Fellow, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona
- My most memorable moments at Barrow were the time I spent with my co-residents and everything I learned from talking to patients and family and managing problems.
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be: Just relax, and enjoy the ride!
- My biggest Barrow influences have been all of the neurology attendings I have worked with, who have made me a better physician.
Daniel Gonzalez, MD, Adult Neurology Resident
New role: Vascular Neurology Fellow, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona
- My most memorable moment at Barrow was, by far, the unified response we had to 2020. Barrow served as a central hub for patient care in the midst of a global pandemic. We served exceptionally.
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be: Always remember when you were the young third-year medical student, lost and walking aimlessly. There was one resident that helped you find your way. Always be that resident.
- My biggest Barrow influences have been our program directors and coordinators (Dr. Courtney Schusse, Dr. Glynnis Zieman, and Ann Johnson), members of our faculty (Dr. Michael Waters, Dr. David Wang, Dr. Vladimir Shvarts, and Dr. Erik Ortega), and the Starbucks crew.
Paul Anthony Guidos, MD, Adult Neurology Resident
New role: Neurologist, North Kansas City Hospital, General Neurology Outpatient Clinic, Kansas City, Missouri
- My most memorable moment at Barrow was taking care of a severe myasthenia gravis case that had a prolonged hospitalization but was able to return to their previous level of functioning.
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be: Each patient case is a teachable moment for different reasons.
- My biggest Barrow influences have been all of the attendings I have worked with and who have taught me during my time at Barrow.
Drew Houston, MD, Adult Neurology Resident
New role: Neuromuscular Fellow, Oregon Health Science University, Portland, Oregon
- I will remember all of my co-residents and attendings that I’ve had the opportunity to work with; however, I will never forget my first solo call shift as a fresh neurology resident, which was a very humbling experience.
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be: Embrace the difficult and uncomfortable cases, as these are perfect learning opportunities.
- My biggest Barrow influences have been the attending physicians. Working directly with each attending has made a positive impact that I’ll take with me.
Alexandra Nicholson, MD, Adult Neurology Resident
New role: DBS & Movement Disorders Fellow, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona
- My most memorable moment at Barrow was finding the correct diagnosis for a patient with a rare neurological condition and starting a treatment course that led to their recovery.
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be: Compassion, curiosity, and dedication will help you rise to meet the challenges ahead.
- My biggest Barrow influences have been Dr. Kerry Knievel and Dr. Holly Shill. They have been wonderful mentors, and I am thankful for their encouragement, guidance, and support.
Michlene Passeri, MD, Adult Neurology Resident
New role: Neuro-Immunoloy Fellow, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, Colorado
- My most memorable moments at Barrow have to be all the fun times I had with my co-residents. I am very lucky to have such a wonderful and fun group to work with!
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be: Enjoy the journey since it goes by faster than you think!
- I have been influenced by many wonderful attendings for different reasons, including my first mentor, Dr. Thander Aung, who helped me in countless ways throughout my residency, in addition to mentors who guided me toward my decision to go into neuro-immunology, including Dr. Ram Narayan and Dr. Aimee Borazanci.
Saher Suleman, MD, Child Neurology Resident
New role: Pediatric Epilepsy Fellow, Barrow Neurological Institute at Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Phoenix, Arizona
- My most memorable moments at Barrow were figuring out difficult cases and seeing my patients recover. And becoming friends with my colleagues and attendings outside of work.
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be: Take a deep breath, learn as much as you can, and don’t be so hard on yourself.
- My biggest Barrow influences have been all of my attendings, who have been wonderful teachers and mentors during my training here.
Ramya Tadipatri, MD, Adult Neurology Resident
New role: Neuro-Oncology Fellow, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona
- My most memorable moments at Barrow were receiving flowers from a grateful family member for the care that I provided and the time I spent at the bedside.
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be that residency isn’t just a necessary stage that you have to survive through, but that it is a wonderful opportunity to grow and learn. Ask every question you have, and the sky is the limit.
- My biggest Barrow influences have been every attending that I have worked with. They have been instrumental in making me into the neurologist I am today, and I am grateful for all of their guidance.
F. Philip Tarzi, MD, Adult Neurology Resident
New role: Neurocritical Care Fellow, University of Southern California, Keck/Los Angeles County Hospital, Los Angeles, California
- There are many memorable moments from my time at Barrow, from discovering a large artery stroke in a very young patient with subtle aphasia who benefitted from endovascular intervention, to humbling discussions with seriously sick patients’ families, and to starting a monthly outreach clinic with my co-residents.
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be: Never be too confident about your knowledge, and continue to learn.
- My biggest Barrow influences have been many of my attendings, who have shared their knowledge of neurology and wisdom about life. A special gratitude to Drs. Waters, Youn, Jha, and Appavu for being great career and research mentors.
Neurology Fellows
Rachel Aubert, DO, Vascular Neurology Fellow
New role: Vascular Neurology Attending, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas
- My most memorable moments at Barrow were coffee breaks with Dr. David Wang, dance parties with Dr. Michael Waters and Nancy, and any gigglefit with my co-fellow that required closing our office door due to volume escalation.
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day coming to Barrow, it would be: Maybe take a different route when you drive home in August.
- Everyone here has been incredible! But I came here because of Dr. Jina Youn and Dr. Waters, so they win the influential award starting way back in 2018. You can’t ask for better program directors than that—we really won the lottery.
Shadi Barbu, MD, DBS & Movement Disorders Fellow
New role: Movement Disorders Neurologist, University of Tennessee Medical Center, Knoxville, Tennesse
- My most memorable moment at Barrow was when I programmed a patient’s deep brain stimulator for the first time and saw such a dramatic improvement in tremor.
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be: Enjoy the journey of training and not the destination.
- My biggest Barrow influences have been the group of movement disorders attending physicians and my co-fellow at the Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center.
Justine Chan, MD, DBS & Movement Disorders Fellow
New role: Movement Disorders Neurologist, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona
- There are many memorable moments from my time in fellowship at Barrow, but I would say my most memorable moment was turning on a patient’s deep brain stimulator for essential tremor or Parkinson’s disease and, after programming, having them tell me they haven’t felt this great since before the onset of their diagnosis.
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be: Take every advantage to learn something from every person (whether it’s a patient or a health care member) you interact with. Treasure the moments, and live life with no regrets.
- My biggest Barrow influences in fellowship have been everyone—all of the patients and their care partners, my attendings, my co-fellow, and the great staff (nurses, medical assistants, therapists, etc.).
Justin Hoskin, MD, Neuro-Otology Fellow
New role: Neuro-Otologist, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona
- My most memorable moment during fellowship at Barrow was learning how to provide quality patient care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be: Keep pushing yourself to learn something new every day.
- My biggest Barrow influence has been Dr. Terry Fife. I am grateful for his mentorship and friendship.
Klari Olenski, DO, TBI & Sports Neurology Fellow
- My most memorable moments at Barrow were covering Arizona State University sporting events with my co-fellow and attendings!
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be: Keep an open mind, and enjoy the journey.
- My biggest Barrow influences have been my mentors, Dr. Javier Cárdenas and Dr. Glynnis Zieman, who have strengthened my knowledge of the evaluation and management of traumatic brain injury.
Shane Root, MD, Headache Medicine Fellow
New role: Faculty Headache Neurologist, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona
- I’ll never forget the busy nights on call running around the emergency room during residency and meeting and caring for patients living around the country during my fellowship.
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be: Read as much as you can, as often as you can.
- My biggest Barrow influences have been Drs. Kerry Knievel, Courtney Schusse, and Glynnis Zieman. They have been incredible mentors throughout my residency and fellowship.
Juan Pablo Pauta Martinez, MD, Vascular Neurology Fellow
New role: Neuro-Interventional Radiology Fellow, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
- My most memorable moments at Barrow were the support, empathy, teaching, and respect received from everyone.
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be not to forget that patient care is the No. 1 priority, no matter how busy you are.
- My biggest Barrow influences have been the vascular attendings. I’m very thankful to them for making my fellowship a AAA experience.
Neurosurgery Residents
We are extremely proud of this year’s class. Through education and innovation, the four of you will no doubt make our field better. Seeing your judgment and skill reflected in your surgical outcomes is exhilarating, and I hope you savor the full scope of the care of your patients. Two pieces of advice: First, watch where you step, and relatedly, avoid trying to walk and chew gum at the same time. Congratulations Drs. Godzik, Labib, Walker, and Whiting!
Francisco Ponce, MD, Neurosurgery Residency Program Director
Mohamed Labib, MD, Neurosurgery Resident
New role: Faculty Neurosurgeon & Co-Director of Cerebrovascular and Skull Base Surgery, University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore, Maryland
- My most memorable moments at Barrow were suturing my first STA-MCA bypass, clipping my first aneurysm, and dissecting my first AVM with Dr. Michael Lawton.
- If could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, I would have advised myself to enjoy every minute of it before it flies by so quickly.
- My biggest Barrow influence has been Dr. Michael Lawton, from whom I learned the intricacies of cerebrovascular surgery.
Corey Walker, MD, Neurosurgery Resident
New role: Assistant Professor, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Department of Neurosurgery, Los Angeles, California
- My most memorable moments at Barrow were winning softball championships in Central Park, hiking Rim to Rim in the Grand Canyon, daily morning rounds with the team in the junior call room, and being Dr. Robert Spetzler’s resident as he retired.
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be: Neurosurgery is a team sport, and everyone’s goal is to help our patients. Show your appreciation for those around you, and be kind and patient. Treat everyone as you would want to be treated.
- My biggest Barrow influences have been my co-residents, Alex Whiting, Jake Godzik, and Mohamed Labib. Those guys inspired me, supported me, and pushed me at times I needed it most.
Alexander Whiting, MD, Neurosurgery Resident
New role: Director of Epilepsy Surgery, Allegheny Health Network, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- My most memorable moment at Barrow as the Rim-to-Rim hike across the Grand Canyon.
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be: Enjoy every moment while you’re here.
- My biggest Barrow influences have been my co-chiefs: Corey Walker, Jake Godzik, and Mohamed Labib.
Neurosurgery Fellows
Bernardo de Andrada Pereira, MD, Complex Spine Fellow
New role: Complex Spine Fellow, University of Arizona/Banner—University Medical Center, Tucson, Arizona
- Every single moment at Barrow was memorable.
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be: Take advantage of each minute here.
- My biggest Barrow influences have been Dr. Jay Turner and Dr. Juan Uribe.
Robert Koffie, MD, PhD, Minimally Invasive Complex Spine Fellow
New role: Minimally Invasive Spinal Neurosurgeon, Neuroscience Group of Northeast Wisconsin, Neenah, Wisconsin
- My most memorable moments at Barrow were discussing interesting cases at Spine Rounds.
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be: Learn from everyone.
- My biggest Barrow influence has been Dr. Juan Uribe. He reminded me to remain focused and work hard, no matter the “noise and distractions,” and to never give up.
Caleb Rutledge, MD, Endovascular Surgical Neuroradiology Fellow
New role: Assistant Professor, NYU Langone Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery, Brooklyn, New York
- My most memorable moment at Barrow was the Rim-to-Rim hike!
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be: Barrow is a special place—from the breadth and complexity of cases you see every day and training with the very best to all the great traditions and camaraderie. Soak it all in, and have fun!
- My biggest Barrow influences have been the whole endovascular group: Drs. Felipe Albuquerque, Andrew Ducruet, and Ashutosh Jadhav, as well as Dr. Michael Lawton.
Visish Srinivasan, MD, Cerebrovascular & Skull Base Fellow
New role: Endovascular Surgical Neuroradiology Fellow, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona
- My most memorable moment at Barrow is the moment when a highly complex AVM is fully dissected and finally makes sense. It just “clicks”—it’s a fantastic feeling.
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be: Welcome to neurosurgical Disneyland. Soak it all up.
- My biggest Barrow influence has been Dr. Michael Lawton, my fellowship director and mentor. In some ways, all of his lessons have been eloquently written in his books. One may wonder, what else is there to learn? The biggest change this year has been to watch him tackle one challenging case after another, inspiring me to believe that such pathology can indeed be cured by surgery.
Neurosurgery Research Fellows
Redi Rahmani, MD, Neurosurgery Research Fellow
New role: Neurosurgery Resident, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York (returning to complete final two years)
- My most memorable moments at Barrow were Dr. Michael Lawton’s teaching rounds, specifically of a complicated bypass for a giant anterior communicating artery aneurysm.
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be: Go out and explore Arizona and the Southwest earlier. Don’t leave it for the end.
- My biggest Barrow influences have been Dr. Tomoki Hashimoto, Dr. Michael Lawton, and Dr. Mark Preul.
Neuroradiology Fellows
It was our pleasure to have you in the neuroradiology fellowship during your tenure here. Fellows are a vital part of neuroradiology at Barrow and are a major factor in making this a special place to practice. It is our hope that you enjoyed your time here and also found it a worthwhile educational experience. You join a wonderful legacy of previous fellows, and we have every expectation of similar success for you.”
Roger Bird, MD, Neuroradiology Fellowship Program Director
Anirudh Chaudhaury, MD, Neuroradiology Fellow
New role: Neuroradiologist, M&S Radiology Associates, San Antonio, Texas
- My most memorable moments at Barrow were reading cases alongside my co-fellows. Never a dull moment.
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be: Immerse yourself into the fellowship, and get as much experience as possible.
- My biggest Barrow influences have been all of the neuroradiology staff.
Tanner Jugler, MD, Neuroradiology Fellow
New role: Neuroradiologist, Steinberg Diagnostic Medical Imaging, Las Vegas, Nevada
- My most memorable moment at Barrow was not realizing I was being filmed while I was “discussing” a particularly difficult procedure with the other fellows.
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be: Dive in. Take advantage of every opportunity you can from day one and seek out opportunities for learning and growth immediately.
- All of my attendings have influenced me in certain ways, but Dr. Roger Bird has a unique perspective on thinking and learning that I admire.
Alyssa Logsdon, MD, Neuroradiology Fellow
New role: Neuroradiologist, Oklahoma Radiology Group, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
- My most memorable moment at Barrow was the Grand Canyon hike.
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be: Ask more questions.
- My biggest Barrow influences have been each and every one of the neuroradiology attendings.
Raza Mushtaq, MD, Neuroradiology Fellow
New role: Assistant Professor, University of Arizona, Department of Medical Imaging, Tucson, Arizona
- My most memorable moments at Barrow were watching live surgeries on patients I had reported only a few hours before.
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be: Participate in more multidisciplinary conferences.
- My biggest Barrow influences have been the neuroradiology staff. Their influence changed my approach to radiology.
Dinko Plasto, MD, Neuroradiology Fellow
New role: Private Practice Neuroradiologist, Denver, Colorado
- My most memorable moment at Barrow was the Grand Canyon hike!
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be: Continually challenge yourself by pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. Make an effort to get to know your colleagues within and outside your specialty, and build relationships with them.
- My biggest Barrow influences have been all of the superb neuroradiology faculty at Barrow. Their commitment to their fellows is second to none.
Max Sale, MD, Neuroradiology Fellow
New role: Neuroradiologist, Zia Diagnostic Imaging, Albuquerque, New Mexico
- My most memorable moment was eating Dr. John Karis’ crepes after the Grand Canyon adventure.
- If I could go back in time and give advice to my younger self on my first day at Barrow, it would be: You made a fantastic choice for fellowship. Have fun this year!
- My biggest Barrow influence has been Dr. Roger Bird for his calm and thoughtful insights.
Please note: This list does not include all 2021 Barrow graduates. While every graduate was invited to participate, only those who responded were included in this article. Their responses have been edited for style and clarity.