Ivy Brain Tumor Center Offers Phase 0 Trials for Glioblastoma
The new Ivy Brain Tumor Center at Barrow Neurological Institute will offer Phase 0 trials for glioblastoma, the complex brain cancer that affected Sen. John McCain.
Phase 0 trials seek to accelerate the drug approval process by answering two main questions: is the drug reaching the tumor and is it working on the tumor on a molecular level?
“Phase 0 trials are the quickest route to identify individualized strategies for treating glioblastoma, and our approach demands only a fraction of the time and costs associated with traditional drug research and development,” said Barrow neurosurgeon Dr. Nader Sanai, who will head the new center.
AZCentral: $50M Barrow brain-tumor center will seek cures for ‘the most complex’ cancer
Phoenix Business Journal: Barrow receives major grant to find cure for deadliest brain cancer