Seven Series
Thursday, March 27: Occlusion In Situ Technique for an Optic Chiasm Arteriovenous Malformation

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From the Office of the President and CEO
February 2025
When the COVID-19 pandemic canceled neurosurgery meetings and paused elective procedures, it served as the catalyst for an idea that had been crystallizing in my mind for years.
Every neurosurgical case provides a learning opportunity, but very few people actually get to see a case. These pearls of wisdom shouldn’t be limited to the neurosurgeons and trainees who have the privilege of setting foot in the operating room or joining our daily teaching rounds.
I envisioned a narrated video series, where I could mine my neurosurgical cases—from the routine to the rare—for insightful gems and offer these educational case discussions to anyone who has internet access. We already had the technology in place, but I knew it would require self-discipline and institutional resources to produce these videos consistently. It would also take vulnerability and courage to put my work out there. But with the pandemic driving demand for virtual learning, I felt a nudge to take the leap. The first iteration of “Seven Series,” known as “Covideos,” was born.
The pandemic fortunately retreated, but virtual learning has proven its staying power. We decided to continue “Covideos” indefinitely but under a new, evergreen moniker. “Seven Series: Excellence in Mind” is inspired by my collection of vascular neurosurgery textbooks, which, like these videos, aim to capture and preserve the art of open microneurosurgery amid the rise of endovascular techniques and radiosurgery.
I’ve always viewed teaching as the great multiplier. As surgeons, we apply our craft one patient at a time. While that can undoubtedly make an impact over the course of a career, training future neurosurgeons expands that footprint even farther. “Seven Series” allows us to reach beyond our 28 neurosurgery residents at Barrow and provide invaluable education to aspiring and practicing neurosurgeons worldwide. This ripple effect benefits countless patients.
As neurosurgeons, our thirst for knowledge often feels insatiable. “Seven Series” strives to quench it just a little bit more. Nearly five years after launch, we’ve reached and surpassed our 400th episode. The collection has amassed more than 1.2 million plays, with viewers tuning in for a total of 3.3 million minutes and counting. That’s enough time to complete the longest nonstop commercial flight in the world, from New York City to Singapore, more than 2,900 times.
To everyone who has “scrubbed in” so far, thank you for joining us. For those of you just now tuning in, be sure to follow me on X at @mtlawton or Instagram at @michael_t_lawton for new episode releases. Together, let’s continue to keep Excellence in MindTM.
Michael T. Lawton, MD
President and CEO
Barrow Neurological Institute