Research Programs and Labs Masthead

Loyal & Edith Davis Neurosurgical Research Laboratory

Laboratory Focus

The Loyal & Edith Davis Neurosurgical Research Laboratory is a world-class facility that mentors, coordinates, and manages neurosurgical, surgical, and medical research, education, and training. Led by Mark C. Preul, MD, our laboratory has been termed the foremost and most productive neurosurgical research laboratory in the world. We are the research facility of the Barrow Department of Neurosurgery and, in that capacity, coordinate research periods and projects for neurosurgery residents and fellows.

  Vesalius Awards

Our laboratory has won the Vesalius Prize 16 times since its inception in 2001, more than any other institution.

Our staff collaborates with academic, institutional, and medical industry partners to conduct neurosurgery research projects, science and technology development, testing, and education programs. We manage the logistics of Barrow and corporate-sponsored teaching events, courses, and conferences while serving as liaison for neurosurgery research to other departments and laboratories at Barrow. Our team engages in all phases of medical procedural training and courses for physicians, residents, fellows, medical students, nurses, technicians, industry personnel, and researchers (including applied and basic research, device research, pharmaceutical research, technology research, and biomaterials testing and development).

The laboratory comprises 11,000 square feet of high-throughput, state-of-the-art facilities for the most complex research and training initiatives covering:

  • Neurosurgery
  • Cardiac surgery
  • Endovascular surgery
  • Acute and survival surgery
  • Technology development and testing
  • Image capture
  • Neurosurgery neuroanatomy dissection
  • Cadaver tissue investigations and training
  • Imaging
  • Pre-clinical technology testing, development, and project performance, management, and support

We provide these services for industry, federal, and other healthcare or scientific organization’s regulatory approval.

Since 2000, more than 140 neurosurgery research fellows have received training and mentorship in the Loyal and Edith Davis Neurosurgery Research Laboratory. Many have become prominent national and international leaders in the field of neurosurgery. The list of national and international corporate technology partners and projects is long, and spans large to start-up entities.

Laboratory Director

Mark Preul, MD
Newsome Chair of Neurosurgery Research
Director, Loyal & Edith Davis Neurosurgical Research Laboratory
Barrow Neurological Institute

doctors researching on a laptop

Contact Information

For information on educational opportunities, training, technology testing, or bioskills courses, please contact:

William Bichard
(602) 406-3268

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