History of the Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center
Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center Founded
The Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center was founded on March 17, 1997 when Dr. Abraham Lieberman encouraged Muhammad Ali to become the face of the fight against Parkinson’s disease.
A New Home for the Center
The Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center moved into the McAuley Medical Office Building in 1999. For the first time, the Center had dedicated space for physician’s offices and outreach programs.
$1.2 Million Grant Awarded
In 2004, a $1.2 million grant was given to the Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center to conduct research into the causes of, and potential treatments for, Parkinson’s disease. The grant also funded a training program for Parkinson’s disease researchers.
Hispanic Outreach Program Created
The Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center created a Hispanic Outreach Program in 2007 to give underserved individuals in the Hispanic community the opportunity to connect with others and participate in a variety events and programs.
Raul Izaguirre Hispanic Symposium
The inaugural Raul Izaguirre Hispanic Symposium on Parkinson’s Disease was held in 2008.
The Center Expands Again
In 2009, the Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center moved to a 10,000-square-foot dedicated space for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease in the 240 Building on the Barrow campus.
Hispanic Promotores Program Launched
Initially started with five trained volunteers, the program continues to provide outreach and foster belonging to the Hispanic community.
Celebrity Fight Night Milestone
The 2012 Celebrity Fight Night event celebrated the accomplishments of the Center, the 50th anniversary of the Institute, and raising $19 million over 15 years.
The Second Expansion in Five Years
The Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center expands to 26,450 square feet in 2014. The expansion grows the capacity for patient care, physical therapy and rehabilitation, and community outreach programs.
Fall Prevention Center, Gait and Balance Lab Created
The Fall Prevention Center and Gait and Balance Lab were created in 2015. A slip simulator and balance system help Parkinson’s patients with mobility issues.
Holly Shill, MD, Named Medical Director
Dr. Shill completed her movement disorders fellowship at the Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center in the late 1990s and brings more than two decades of experience in research for, and treatment of, Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders.
Bob & Renee Parsons Endow Chair
Bob & Renee Parsons commemorate Muhammad Ali by endowing a Chair in Parkinson’s Disease and movement disorders, held by Holly Shill, MD.
Introducing Muhammad Ali Way
West Merrell Street was renamed Muhammad Ali Way between Central Avenue and Third Avenue. The street honors Ali’s enduring legacy as the face of the fight against Parkinson’s disease.
Abraham Lieberman, MD, Retires
Dr. Lieberman was Muhammad Ali’s neurologist and encouraged him to become the face of the fight against Parkinson’s disease. He treated more than 40,000 patients during his 50 years as a practicing neurologist and is regarded as one of the world’s foremost experts on Parkinson’s disease.
Zero G Machine Installed
A Zero G harness system for gait and balance therapy is installed in the Center.
25th Anniversary of the Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center
March 18, 2022 marked the 25th anniversary of the Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center. The Center has grown into one of the largest and most comprehensive Parkinson’s treatment facilities in the country.
To advance the knowledge and practice of medicine in neuroscience through basic and clinical research, education of medical professionals, and innovation in clinical techniques and technology.