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MS & Neuroimmunology Program

At A Glance: Our Multiple Sclerosis Program

If you’ve been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) or another neuroimmunological disease, or are in the process of confirming a diagnosis, we understand the range of emotions you’re bound to experience. Because multiple sclerosis isn’t fully understood, those diagnosed with the disease can face more unknowns than certainties—one of the most intimidating parts of a neuroimmunological diagnosis.

And yet, here’s what we do know: Multiple sclerosis affects multiple areas of the brain and spinal cord, leaving lesions that interfere with the ability of the nervous system to send and receive signals. A person with MS may experience trouble walking, muscle stiffness or spasms, weakness, vision problems, or numbness and tingling sensations, among others.

These are the same symptoms our thoughtful, thorough team of MS specialists hope to help treat. Our team works tirelessly to educate and empower you as a partner in your care, while we look toward new or more effective treatments. Relying on our collective clinical knowledge, state-of-the-art facilities, and access to clinical trials, we make it our mission to impart a newfound sense of purpose and confidence in light of the uncertainties.

We are a National Multiple Sclerosis Society Center for Comprehensive Care.

For more information on the Barrow MS and Neuroimmunology Program or to make an appointment, please call (602) 406-6262.

multiple sclerosis specialist aimee borazanci examines a patient in phoenix
Dr. Aimee Borazanci examines a patient with multiple sclerosis.

The Barrow Difference

The Multiple Sclerosis Program at Barrow was the first—and remains the only—Center for Comprehensive Care in Arizona. The designation, awarded by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, recognizes our commitment to providing a complete spectrum of multiple sclerosis care.

Each month, we hold a multidisciplinary clinic where you can see a variety of specialists in one setting, and receive a truly panoramic, all-inclusive treatment plan. Our lineup of specialists include:

  • Fellowship-trained MS specialists/neuroimmunologists
  • MS-Trained therapists
  • Neuropsychologists
  • Nutritionists
  • Psychiatrists
  • Social workers

Infusion Suite

For intravenous medications, we offer the convenience of receiving infusions in the same space where you get the rest of your MS care. Built in 2014, our infusion suite includes amenities like personal televisions and comfortable seating to help you relax while you pass the time.

Clinical Trials

As an institution dedicated to clinical research, our goal is to offer each patient the option to participate in a clinical trial. These studies help us learn more about ambiguous and challenging diseases like MS, and make progress toward developing better therapies.

Barrow is also a member site of the North American Imaging in MS Cooperative (NAIMS)

Rare Diseases

While we focus primarily on multiple sclerosis, we also treat a variety of rare neuroimmune disorders. Our team includes a neurologist with special certification in the evaluation and management of these unusual neuroimmune disorders. Other diseases we can diagnose and treat include:

For more information about our Multiple Sclerosis Program or to make an appointment, please give us a call at (602) 406-6262.

multiple sclerosis patient annalisa bell

"I began coming to Barrow in 2022. The MS Program and Dr. Michael Robers have been great for all my neurological and therapeutic needs. At first, I didn’t need a lot of physical and occupational therapy; however, I see them weekly now. One of my greatest opportunities for self-growth has been the MS seminars. I feel these have given me an opportunity to learn, grow, and be my best along this MS journey."

Annalisa Bell Barrow MS Patient
Aimee Borazanci, MD

"We are honored to be the first and only center in Arizona to be recognized as a Center for Comprehensive MS Care through the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. We're grateful for the support that has allowed us to offer additional services and better holistic care for patients."

Aimee Borazanci, MD Medical Director, Multiple Sclerosis Program


Barrow Neurological Institute campus in 3D

Support & Wellness


Minding What Matters Most

Minding What Matters Most